installation views Cause the grass don't grow and the sky ain't blue

Cause the grass don't grow and the sky ain't blue, 7 July 2015 - 24 September 2015

'This show brings together artists who call into question those systems that in art organize a hierarchy of materials and urban zones. These artists have set up their studios in the suburbs, by choice or for financial concerns, and their surroundings are often at the very core of their artistic practice.

The inner city has rarely caused such feelings of fear, but paradoxically it has never been the subject of so many fantasies. Although the suburb is a literal mine of aesthetic references, dubbed as such by the big shots of mainstream culture, these working class districts are all too often abandoned. This exhibition is the chance to give people who have first hand knowledge of the suburbs a chance to speak and to show the suburbs in a different light; to present the vision of people who have managed to tame these unknown territories. It represents a desire to exhibit all things of beauty, whether in Paris, the suburbs or elsewhere. It is a post-modern re-enchantment. It’s the whole world or nothing at all.'

Cause the grass don't grow and the sky ain't blue, 7 July 2015 - 24 September 2015
Praz Delavallade
Paris, France