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FREEDOM, 19 January 2019 - 12 May 2019

An exhibition entitled Freedom – The Fifty Key Dutch Artworks Since 1968 will open at Museum de Fundatie in Zwolle on 19 January 2019. This ambitious and somewhat unconventional project will feature the fifty ‘key artworks’, the leading works produced in the Netherlands over the past fifty years. Freedom will be deliberately subjective, intended both as an invitation to debate and as a declaration of love for Dutch art. As such, Freedom will be unmissable for anyone who wants to see all the top art produced in the Netherlands over the past fifty years brought together in one show.

For this exhibition I will be presenting my Lexicon project; a collection of works - across time - that aim to go beyond individual specificities like physiognomy or physicality, but rather explore the notion of archetypical imagery of mankind.

FREEDOM, 19 January 2019 - 12 May 2019
Museum de Fundatie
Zwolle, the Netherlands